Sober assessment is needed after time
Western Daily Press, 21 November 2024, p. 16
Some of your recent correspondents on the election of Donald Trump as 47th president of the United States (such as ‘Normalisation of Trump is dangerous’, November 15; ‘Folly of being taken in by a con artist’, November 18) have clearly bought uncritically into the demonising character-assassination campaign to which he has been unrelentingly subjected by the mainstream legacy media since 2015.
Here in the UK we witnessed Jeremy Corbyn suffering a similar disreputable media onslaught; and given the vicious media assault that Trump has had to endure, that he won the recent presidential election by an effective landslide is nothing short of a modern political miracle.
Indeed, if Elon Musk had not taken over Twitter and restored it to a free-speech platform, summarily sacking Twitter’s army of anti-Trump propagandists in the process, Trump would have very likely lost the presidential election.
By no means everyone on the political left gleefully joins in with the Trump feeding frenzy. We can all feel so good about ourselves when we’re in a tribe with a common enemy to demonise. For the thinking person, however, reality is far more complicated.
Trump no doubt has character limitations, as all human beings do; but what he has in his favour is that he isn’t a globalist; he is against senseless wars; he stands for free speech as against a shamelessly government-controlled propaganda narrative; and he is prepared to take on the woke culture-wars assault waged on Western values by dark forces that have erstwhile captured the commanding heights of our culture’s institutions.
Ordinary people have simply had enough of it – and that includes anti-war libertarians on the political left, who clearly either voted for Trump or else abstained in great numbers.
If Trump had been president in 2020, we wouldn’t have seen a war in Ukraine. I hope the Trump-haters can pause for a moment, reflect on the ways in which they’ve been played by mainstream media propaganda, and make a sober assessment in six months’ time as to whether the election of Trump has been good for the world.
Richard House
Stroud, Gloucestershire
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