Outbreak at this time of year is suspect
Western Daily Press, 20 November 2024, p. 17
Good heavens! What a coincidence! An Avian ‘flu outbreak just before Christmas!
A time when millions of turkeys, geese, chicken and duck will be bought as part of the seasonal celebrations. Just in time for a shortage and increased prices, especially if similar decisions are made to those when foot and mouth happened, when people with too much power and too little brain made cretinous decisions.
Is this to distract us from the angry protests by the farming community? They know full well that the fragile state of farming in this country means food security and the stewardship of the land is at risk. If farms become unviable, they will be gobbled up by the ultra rich for tax avoidance purposes, or by global food producers, which means massive soil depletion, increased pollutions of our rivers, factory farming, and the nutritional value of food will plummet.
So maybe the Avian flu ‘outbreak’ is just another nudge to push smaller farms and producers over the edge – and no doubt the Government has another ‘safe and effective’ vaccine (experimental gene therapy) waiting in the wings to make its globalist cronies even richer – and do no harm to their own investments.
Karen Jacob
Okehampton, Devon
Other Letters to the Press
- Independent MPs is the hope
- Reform of our voting system badly needed
- Sober assessment is needed after time
- Outbreak at this time of year is suspect
- Bloated, unelected bureaucrats
- Disturbing threat to the future of our farms
- The banks should pay their fair share
- Letter: Lessons of populism need to be heeded
- A semblance of national sovereignty
- Lessons of populism need to be heeded
- Populism terrifies globalist politicians
- Political system is utterly bankrupt
- Credit where it is due - Stroud MP Dr Simon Opher
- Political parties have been irresponsible
- Causes of riots
- Starmer’s abject failure of leadership
- Tired of Punch & Judy politics in the UK
- Corbyn’s victory was extraordinary
- Poppycock
- Political opinions are not always far apart
- Corbyn’s success deserves acclaim
- Electoral reform is even more overdue
- Farage on the Ukraine war
- VAT on private school fees takes away choice
- Don’t vote for the self-serving elites
- Communities should have more control
- Time to reject main political parties
- We can break two-party cycle
- Independents day might be coming
- Current system is strangling democracy
- Tired old politics of abuse now irrelevant
- Anti-semitism
- Starmer’s Labour is Campbell on steroids
- Independent voices starting to be heard
- Elphicke defection is scarcely believable
- Voters show disdain for party-political system
- The Independents are on the march!