Elphicke defection is scarcely believable
Western Daily Press, 14 May 2024, p. 17
With regard to the extraordinary spectacle of right-wing former Conservative MP Natalie Elphicke joining the Labour Party and being welcomed by Sir Keir Starmer with open arms, 'clown show' really doesn't get anywhere near it. Next, it’ll be Labour’s Richard Burgon joining the Tories!
A question naturally arises for all those still wedded to the uniparty political system: what does it say about your respective Con and Lab tribes that this scarcely believable defection has taken place?
More gnerally, just when will it dawn on people that voting Con or Lab or Lib Dem (i.e. for the uniparty) is nothing more than voting for the managerialist bureaucrats who can most effectively herd us all into the technocratic dystopian future that the World Economic Forum has quite openly and unashamedly mapped out for us?
Political commentator Noam Chomsky sums up quite brilliantly the phenomenon of the distracting left/right bun-fight: “The smart way to keep people passive and obedient”, he writes, “is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum – even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate.”
As a former naive left/right tribalist myself, what Professor Chomsky is highlighting here is that the tired old left/right polarisation is a chimera, an illusion with no substance in reality, and which merely serves to keep us all in an ingeniously orchestrated state of distracting divisiveness.
cent publicity for the local elections. On the one hand, incredibly, Davos-loving Starmer's Labour deployed the Union Jack across its national publicity leaflets; while on the other, a local election leaflet from the Tories here in Gloucestershire was a blaze of red, with no Conservative blue anywhere! Labour and Conservative may as well officially merge – for just as in Orwell's Animal Farm, it's no longer possible to tell the pigs from the humans.
The day can’t come soon enough when sufficient numbers of voters have woken up to the nature of this uniparty subterfuge, such that we elect a parliament populated by genuinely independent-thinking MPs who faithfully represent the true views of those voting for them. But alas, I’m not yet holding my breath!
Dr Richard House
Stroud, Gloucestershire
Other Letters to the Press
- Independent MPs is the hope
- Reform of our voting system badly needed
- Sober assessment is needed after time
- Outbreak at this time of year is suspect
- Bloated, unelected bureaucrats
- Disturbing threat to the future of our farms
- The banks should pay their fair share
- Letter: Lessons of populism need to be heeded
- A semblance of national sovereignty
- Lessons of populism need to be heeded
- Populism terrifies globalist politicians
- Political system is utterly bankrupt
- Credit where it is due - Stroud MP Dr Simon Opher
- Political parties have been irresponsible
- Causes of riots
- Starmer’s abject failure of leadership
- Tired of Punch & Judy politics in the UK
- Corbyn’s victory was extraordinary
- Poppycock
- Political opinions are not always far apart
- Corbyn’s success deserves acclaim
- Electoral reform is even more overdue
- Farage on the Ukraine war
- VAT on private school fees takes away choice
- Don’t vote for the self-serving elites
- Communities should have more control
- Time to reject main political parties
- We can break two-party cycle
- Independents day might be coming
- Current system is strangling democracy
- Tired old politics of abuse now irrelevant
- Anti-semitism
- Starmer’s Labour is Campbell on steroids
- Independent voices starting to be heard
- Elphicke defection is scarcely believable
- Voters show disdain for party-political system
- The Independents are on the march!