Don’t vote for the self-serving elites
Western Daily Press, 20 June 2024, p. 16
Many people are now saying they do not know who to vote for in the General Election, they find the main parties similar to each other in their policies. I will not say who to vote for, but I will say who not to vote for.
I am a small business owner who, thanks to Tory government policies, now find it difficult to trade, most people are watching every penny to pay for high energy and food price increases.
On Facebook Market Place, there are a growing number of small businesses up for sale, many in the North and Midlands, where the 1980s recession also started.
Takeaways and grocery shops are under pressure, our beloved fish and chip shops could soon become a rarity! Chippies are being crushed in an economic vice. High energy costs on one side and hard up customers on the other side.
As a former Labour party member, I find today’s Labour party is more concerned with navel gazing and being offended by everything except poverty and war! The nail in the coffin for me was when Sir Keir Starmer asked Boris Johnson to crack down harder on the population during the Covid crisis. With Labour elected we can kiss goodbye to our civil liberties, which is ironic for a former civil rights lawyer.
The LibDems, the coalition with the Tories, brought shame and disgust amongst my LibDem voting friends. Totally untrustworthy, for them it’s power at any price. Many students have regretted their sell-out over student fees.
The Greens I have always admired, being at heart a very green man, but I was shocked by their removal of their policy to leave NATO, as a peace mongerer I cannot vote for them on moral grounds. All the main parties are now out and proud warmongers, very sad.
So my advice is that most people are decent, kind at heart, hardworking and caring. Do not vote for the self-serving corrupt elites; you are better than them.
Dylan Robertson
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- Reform of our voting system badly needed
- Sober assessment is needed after time
- Outbreak at this time of year is suspect
- Bloated, unelected bureaucrats
- Disturbing threat to the future of our farms
- The banks should pay their fair share
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- A semblance of national sovereignty
- Lessons of populism need to be heeded
- Populism terrifies globalist politicians
- Political system is utterly bankrupt
- Credit where it is due - Stroud MP Dr Simon Opher
- Political parties have been irresponsible
- Causes of riots
- Starmer’s abject failure of leadership
- Tired of Punch & Judy politics in the UK
- Corbyn’s victory was extraordinary
- Poppycock
- Political opinions are not always far apart
- Corbyn’s success deserves acclaim
- Electoral reform is even more overdue
- Farage on the Ukraine war
- VAT on private school fees takes away choice
- Don’t vote for the self-serving elites
- Communities should have more control
- Time to reject main political parties
- We can break two-party cycle
- Independents day might be coming
- Current system is strangling democracy
- Tired old politics of abuse now irrelevant
- Anti-semitism
- Starmer’s Labour is Campbell on steroids
- Independent voices starting to be heard
- Elphicke defection is scarcely believable
- Voters show disdain for party-political system
- The Independents are on the march!